We Fund, You Build: USD 100 Million – 1 Billion in Indonesia.

100% funding @ 2-5% interest rate over 10 years.

Total Fees/Costs = 4 to 7.5%.

We pre-qualify Serious Borrowers & Established Global Lenders. NO scams!

FREE Approval. Bank verified 25,000 USD needed to apply.

1. We review your Project at no cost.

2. If you match one of our lenders, you accept general program terms & costs.

3. You IMMEDIATELY begin your due diligence & legal/board approval. We pre-qualify & submit your application the lender.

4. If the lender approves you, you remit deposit or upfront costs for loan underwriting & verification.

5. Your financing package is completed with loan closing in 60 to 90 days.

NOTE: All global lenders require upfront costs with an insurance policy for the loan. These costs cannot be negotiated or postponed. This ~65,000 USD can be paid in one lump sum or installments.

We do NOT charge a fee for “introduce” you to our lenders. We get paid ONLY when you get your money.

If you can enter the above process, tell us about your Project now!

As a diverse nation with over 300 ethnic groups, Indonesia now is the world’s fourth most populous nation AND the world’s 10th largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity.

If you need venture capital or alternative financing in Indonesia, tell us about your Project now!

  • Full funding & low interest rates
  • No Fee Approval in two weeks
  • Loan closing in 90 days
  • 5-figure upfront cost for 9-figure deals

Indonesia has made significant gains by cutting the poverty rate by more than half since 1999, recently to under 10%. Prior to the pandemic, Indonesia’s economic growth qualified it to reach  upper middle income status. 

Forward Looking Loans & Venture Capital Options

Indonesia’s economic plan follows a 20-year design, with 5-year medium-term phases, called the RPJMN (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional) each with different priorities. The current medium term  – the last phase of the long-term plan – runs from 2020 to 2024. It prioritizes human capital and competitiveness within worldwide markets. Our venture capital options & alternative financing partners help Indonesia businesses grow – now and in the next decade.